
What Can Cause Your Urine To Be A Peach Color

Discolored urine causes

For most, the color of your urine on a normal day might range from pale yellow to pale bister. But what does it mean when you don't have yellow urine? At that place are many causes of discolored urine, and many factors can cause your urine to change in appearance – even something every bit simple as what you eat. In other cases, discolored urine could exist the sign of something that requires medical attention. Read on to acquire more nigh dark urine causes and some of the nearly mutual reasons for discolored urine.


Hematuria, which happens when there are blood-red blood cells in the urine, can exist spotted past red urine, or urine that is light pink, peach, or even deep burgundy in appearance. It indicates claret in urine, with the darkness showing the severity. This condition is ordinarily seen by urologists and can be caused past anything from intense exercise to bladder or kidney cancer.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

When a person has a UTI, their urine often points to signs of the infection. Common traits include cloudiness, discoloration that's red or brown, and/or an unusual smell. In most cases, the bladder infection will exist accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms including abnormally frequent or painful urination.


If you experience a severe muscle injury or trauma, you may discover that your urine appears to be crimson or brown. It could be an indicator that you've experienced impairment to 1 of the structures of your urinary tract. The kidney is the nearly oft injured kidney, but it could besides be the outcome of trauma to the float, urethras or ureter.

Majestic Urine Purse Syndrome (PUBS)

A rare occurrence, PUBS results from UTIs with certain bacterial strains accept a reaction to the constructed materials constitute in urinary catheters or bags. A majority of the time, it'south constitute among elderly patients who experience constipation and long-term urinary catheters. Not to be ignored, it points to recurring UTIs and in some cases, improper hygiene or intendance of urinary catheters.


Bladder cancer is the seventh most common cancer in men and the seventh most common tumor found in women. Those with a current or past history of smoking are most at chance, so if your urine is discolored and you lot take a history of smoking, further evaluation is critical. Specially considering that many patients' early symptoms mimic UTIs, a thorough medical evaluation is recommended to rule out malignancies.

Renal Jail cell Carcinoma (RCC)

Well-nigh 85% of malignant kidney tumors are acquired by RCC, which accounts for 2-3% of all cancers in the U.South. One of the most mutual risk factors is obesity, specially amid women. When symptoms are nowadays, the urine may contain traces of claret, appearing equally brownish or the color of rust.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Considering the directly link between the prostate and the urinary tract, information technology'south non unusual for claret leakage from BPH to be expelled into the urine stream. Hematuria is a common side event of BPH that goes untreated and should be evaluated by a medical expert to assess its underlying crusade.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones occur when build-ups of salt, minerals, calcium and uric acid form inside the kidney and enter the urinary tract. They can cause hurting or burning during urination, blood in the urine, and a range of discolorations, from dark yellow urine to red or brown. About i in eleven people in the U.S. experience kidney stones at some bespeak in their lives, with men more probable than women to be at take a chance.


Often, myoglobinuria is related to trauma or alcohol/drug abuse. Information technology's usually accompanied by tell-tale symptoms including muscle weakness, myalgia and dark urine. Those with the possibility of myoglobinuria should proactively seek medical attention and diagnosis, as it tin chop-chop descend into life-threatening complications if left untreated.


Patients with long-term indwelling urinary catheters nearly ever contract bacteriuria. In some cases, their condition will develop into pyuria, which is defined by white blood cells being nowadays in the urine. This can cause the urine to look cloudy or dark in appearance. To minimize the hazard of an occurrence, urinary and suprapubic catheters are recommended to be changed every 3-4 weeks.

What to do if you have discolored urine

If your urine color is unusual and tin't exist linked to foods or a medication yous may exist taking, it'southward likely the sign of a medical condition. An evaluation from a medical professional, like a urologist, can help yous discover answers. It'due south of import to take discolored urine seriously, considering knowing the verbal cause of your symptoms and receiving proper urine infection treatment can help prevent conditions from worsening.

Your treatment will vary based on a comprehensive analysis of your symptoms, risk factors and medical history. If your urine discoloration is determined to exist the consequence of dehydration, drinking more water tin can become a long way. Fifty-fifty if you retrieve bereft water intake could be the cause of your dark urine symptoms, it's best to contact your md – especially if in that location'south blood present. It'due south the only way to ensure that your urine discoloration is not linked to something more than serious.


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