
Can You Paint Area Around Kitchen Cabinets A Different Color

If y'all've noticed the cost of new appliances, countertops, and cabinets, it'due south no surprise that renovating a kitchen is one of the most expensive remodeling projects. While few homeowners find ways to boost the look of a dated refrigerator or tired granite, transforming a kitchen by freshening the cabinets that make up most of the room's visual space is entirely within accomplish. Just in that location'southward more to the task than buying a gallon of your favorite color.

Read our pace-by-pace instructions and spotter expert painter Mauro Henrique demonstrate how to get the chore done right.

How Much Does it Price to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Renovating a kitchen is one of the most expensive remodeling projects that you can accept on, and replacing the cabinets tin can account for nearly 40 percent of that cost.

Cabinets for a 10-by 12-foot kitchen can easily acme $5,000—and your new cabinets may really be of lower quality than the ones you lot're replacing. On the other manus, a few fresh coats of pigment can get a long fashion toward transforming your existing cabinets for a fraction of that price. In fact, the cost of painting should be no more than well-nigh $200, plus a weekend or two of your time.

Should I Paint My Cabinets?

Before you head out to the paint store, however, examine your cabinets to see if they can be resuscitated in the offset identify. Even the highest-quality pigment job can't revive inexpensive cabinets that accept grown frail with age. Thin veneers peel or delaminate, particleboard cabinet bottoms or shelves sag or suspension, and hanging rails come loose. If these are the problems y'all're dealing with, you'd actually be improve off replacing your kitchen cabinets.

Bold that everything is still in fine shape and good working gild, let'southward examine some of the questions you'll need to address before y'all start repainting your kitchen cabinets.

What Blazon of Paint Do I Need for Cabinets?

Oil or latex?

Latex paints have been improving steadily, leading some pros to give up oil-based paints entirely. Considering they dry quickly and clean up with water, latex paints are more user-friendly than oil-based paints. Just many pros still favor oil-based topcoats, arguing that they form a harder, more durable paint motion picture and level out to a smoother finished surface. Latex paints also take longer (upward to three weeks) than oil-based paints to fully cure. In the concurrently, they're susceptible to damage.

Bottom line: Either oil or latex will provide a good finish. If you exercise use a latex paint, make sure information technology'southward a 100 percentage acrylic conception, which offers greater durability and adhesion than vinyl acrylic paints.

Castor or Spray Paint?

A sprayed-on end is the smoothest pick, only there's a learning curve for doing it properly. You'll as well likely need to rent the spray equipment, which drives upward your costs, and you'll have to mask off all the areas in the kitchen that could accidentally get sprayed, including countertops, cabinet interiors, and appliances, which is a time-consuming procedure.

For these reasons, we recommend yous opt for using loftier-quality brushes instead. Invest in a good, iii- to 4-inch-broad square brush, whose straight ends will make short work of big, flat panels, equally well as an angled brush in the 2½- or 3-inch-wide range, which will assist you go paint into the corners of doors with molding and can coat door frames in one pass. Latex paint should be applied with a synthetic bristle castor, which doesn't blot water; oil-based paint should exist applied with a natural-bristle brush.

Tin y'all only paint over cabinets or should you strip them?

When the existing finish is a clear coat, the best course of action is to strip the finish downwards to the bare wood earlier painting. This eliminates a potential adhesion problem betwixt the old end and the new paint.

Only while stripping may be the ideal for purists, it's not always practical or absolutely necessary. A thorough cleaning followed past light sanding should exist enough to gear up the surface for new pigment.

Regular or fake end?

If y'all're open to spicing up your kitchen'southward look, incorporating a imitation finish tin can transform its style into shabby chic, rustic, provincial, or modern. Crackling coat, which is available at paint stores, can, with very niggling try, give your cabinets a weathered await. But apply the glaze over a dry base glaze, brushing in only 1 direction (thick for big cracks, sparse for fine cracks), and let it dry out. Finish with a flat topcoat of the base colour brushed on perpendicular to the glaze. The paint will start to course cracks as it dries, a process that takes about an hour.

Another rustic style is the distressed await, which doesn't require a special paint. This finish is made up of layered colors and spattered night pigment. When the paint is dry, to reveal the colors underneath, distress the cease by hit it with a chain and lightly sanding in the spots where the cabinets become the most apply.

Similarly, the antiqued, slowly aged expect can be achieved with some paint magic. But dip the tip of a paintbrush in a color lighter than the cabinets and dab the excess onto a textile until the brush is nearly dry out, and then lightly graze the surface of the detail trim, corners, and seams.

On the other finish of the spectrum is a high-gloss finish, which will transform your kitchen into a polished, modern infinite. To polish upwardly your cabinets, paint a high-gloss clear acrylic varnish over your terminal coat. This technique will add depth to the colour and comprehend the surface of your kitchen with a glassy sheen.

Steps for Painting Cabinets

i. Prep the room

A successful paint job lies in diligent prep work, and the first few steps are focused on prepping the room and cabinets for painting.

  • Kickoff by emptying the cabinets, clearing off the counters, and removing whatsoever freestanding appliances.
  • Relocate tables and other furniture to some other room.
  • Tape rosin paper over the countertops and flooring, and, to protect the residue of the house from grit and fumes, record plastic sheeting over the backsplash, windows, fixed appliances, and interior doorways.
  • Mask off the wall effectually the cabinets.
  • Set up up a worktable for painting doors, drawers, and shelves.

TIP: Fix a DIY Paint Station

July 2008, Makeshift Paint Station With Two Ladders Holding A 2x4 With Cabinet Doors Hanging From Them Brown Bird Design

This makeshift jig provides access to all sides of a cabinet door to reduce reanimation during drying. Here's how to ready information technology up:

  • Span a pair of 2x4s at centre level betwixt two ladders.
  • Spiral eye hooks into one end of a 2x4, where doors will be painted, and at the other end, screw hooks into both 2x4s to hang painted doors from.
  • Add corresponding hooks to the pinnacle edges of upper chiffonier doors and the bottoms of lower doors and drawers, where the holes left backside won't be visible.

2. Remove the doors, drawers, and shelves

July 2008, Illustration Showing How To Remove Doors, Drawers and Shelves to Paint Kitchen Cabinets Gregory Nemec
  • Be sure to mark each drawer front end and door with a marker to prevent mixing up the doors. The best place for this mark is behind the hinge location.
  • Back out the hinge screws from the chiffonier frame and remove the doors.
  • Working from left to correct, superlative to bottom, label each 1 with a numbered piece of tape. Also, number the edges of chiffonier shelves and the bottoms of drawers.
  • Set aside the shelf-hanging hardware.
  • At your worktable, remove the pulls and hinges and save what'south existence reused.
  • On the doors, transfer the number from the tape to the exposed forest under one swivel.
  • Cover it with fresh record.

3. Clean all the surfaces

  • Make clean the chiffonier past spraying it with a degreaser solution and wiping information technology downwards with a rag. This removes all the oils and grease that could forbid a perfect finish. If ordinary cleaners aren't effective, consider using a stronger cleaner like trisodium phosphate (TSP), which is sold at hardware and paint stores. Merely make sure y'all follow the prophylactic precautions on the container.
  • Once all the cabinet pieces are make clean, rinse them thoroughly with water and let them dry.

4. Prep the boxes

  • Open the windows for ventilation and put on safe gear. Using an abrasive pad dipped in a liquid deglosser, scrub down all of the surfaces.
  • Agree a rag underneath to catch drips. Before the deglosser evaporates, quickly wipe away the residue with another clean, deglosser-dampened rag.
  • If you're relocating the hardware, fill the one-time screw holes with a two-part polyester wood or autobody filler.
  • It sets in most 5 minutes, and so mix just small batches. The filler shrinks a bit, so overfill the holes slightly.
  • As soon as information technology sets, remove the backlog with a precipitous paint scraper. If it hardens completely, sand it smooth.
  • Apply a foam sanding block to scuff the surfaces of the chiffonier, drawers, and doors. This is a low-cal sanding meant to give the primer something to adhere to, so don't sand to the blank forest. Use a tack cloth to remove the sanding dust before moving on.
  • Vacuum the cabinets inside and out to make certain no bits of dust mar the finish, then rub them down with a tack textile for actress mensurate.

five. Prime the cabinet boxes

July 2008, Mark Powers paints cabinet doors Kolin Smith

Now it's fourth dimension for the primer. If the cabinets are heavily stained, use a stain-blocking primer, which dries chop-chop and seals knots and other surface defects that might bleed through the topcoats. In most situations, however, stain-blockers shouldn't be necessary, and an oil-based or 100 percent acrylic latex primer will work just fine.

  • Pour some primer into the pigment tray and load the roller and brush. Using the brush forth the edges and tight spots, and the roller on the big, apartment surfaces, coat the chiffonier, doors, and drawer fronts with a coat of primer.
  • Starting at the top of the cabinet, brush on the primer across the grain, then "tip-off"—pass the brush lightly over the wet stop in the management of the grain. Always tip-off in a single stroke from one end to the other.
  • Make sure to follow the underlying construction of the cabinet or door with the brush. Where a rail butts into a stile, for instance, paint the runway commencement, overlapping slightly onto the stile, then pigment the stile before the overlap dries.
  • While y'all're allowing the primer to dry, wash your brush and roller sleeve, and pour the excess primer dorsum into the can before washing the pigment tray.

6. Sand, caulk, and fill up

July 2008, Mark Powers Sanding Kitchen Cabinets Kolin Smith
  • Afterwards the primer is dry out, sand the flat surfaces with 220-grit newspaper.
  • Sand any profiled surfaces with a medium-grit sanding sponge. The wood should end up feeling glass-smooth.
  • Squeeze a sparse bead of latex caulk into any open seams. (The hole in a caulk tube'due south tip should exist no bigger than the tip of a precipitous pencil.)
  • Pull the tip as you go, then shine the caulk with a clammy finger. Fill whatsoever small dents, scratches, or dings with vinyl spackle, smoothed flat with a putty pocketknife.
  • Once the spackle is dry (about 60 minutes), sand again with 220-grit paper, vacuum, and wipe with a tack textile.
  • With a spray can of fast-drying oil-based primer, spot-prime number the spackle and any spots where the sandpaper has "burned through" the primer.
  • Wait an hr, then sand the primer lightly with 280-grit paper.
  • Vacuum all the surfaces, and wipe them with a tack textile.

vii. Paint the cabinet boxes

July 2008, Mark Powers Painting Kitchen Cabinets Kolin Smith

You're finally gear up to pigment! If you're using roughly the same shade as the existing color, 2 coats ought to do the job. You might even get away with one. Painting over a nighttime finish with a light colour is tougher and could require 3 coats. Break out a new brush for each coat.

  • Pour some trim and chiffonier enamel paint into the paint tray and load the castor and roller with paint. Use the brush to cut in along the edges, push the paint into the corners, and leave out roller strokes. Use the roller to apply enamel paint to the large flat surface where possible.
  • For the chiffonier interior, utilise the paint with a smooth-surface mini roller, which leaves a slightly bumpy, orange-peel texture.
  • Cover the brush and roller with plastic bags to prevent them from hardening while you lot look for the first glaze to dry.
  • Betwixt coats, sand the surfaces lightly, making sure to make clean up the debris afterward.
  • Utilize a 2d coat to the cabinet. This coat should provide a perfect, consistent finish without any thin or lite areas where wood might show through.

8. Prep, prime, and paint the doors, drawers, and shelves

The strategy for prepping, priming, and painting doors, drawers, and shelves is the same every bit for the cabinets, except that all the work is done on a table to reduce the take chances of drips, runs, and sags.

  • When painting paneled doors, start with the expanse around the panel.
  • Then, practice the chief field of the panel, and cease with the stiles and rails effectually the edges.
  • Equally you lot become forth, wipe upwards whatsoever paint that ends upward on side by side dry surfaces to eliminate the hazard of lap marks.

Tip: To speed up the drying time for doors, you can twist ii screw hooks into holes drilled in an inconspicuous door border (the lower edge for lesser cabinets, the upper edge for top cabinets). Paint the door's outside confront and let it dry for an hour while resting flat, then tilt the door up onto its hooks and put a drywall screw into an existing hardware hole. Hold the tilted door up past the screw and paint the door's back side.

  • When you lot're done painting, pick up the door past the screw and one hook and hang both hooks on a sturdy clothes hanger.
  • Suspend the door from a shower curtain rod or clothes rod until information technology dries.

9. Put back all the pieces

July 2008, Mark Powers Reinstalling Kitchen Cabinets After Painting Them Kolin Smith
  • Once the 2d coat dries, reattach the door and drawer fronts. Enjoy the fact that you've given your kitchen cabinets a fresh new look without investing a lot of fourth dimension or coin.
  • Remove the record over each door's number, install the hinges and knob, and hang them in their original opening.
  • Replace the drawer pulls (or add new ones) and reinstall each drawer.

Shopping list

  • Degreaser spray
  • Latex primer
  • H2o-based trim and cabinet enamel paint
  • Roller sleeves



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