
What Does Delivered Mean On Snapchat

There are various types of icons existence used on Snapchat. Amid them, the Sent, Received and Delivered Snapchat icons are the three most of import icons. People use Snapchat to send and receive chats, pics and stories.

And Snapchat uses unlike icons with dissimilar meanings to point their condition. Know more about these icons, particularly the iii almost important ones in this article.

Snapchat has become an integral office of a person's social life. Snapchat offers a vastly different type of social experience compared to traditional social media services. Moreover, it is also the pioneer of the "Story" feature.

This makes information technology more popular among the masses, specially teenagers. And it sells its services mainly through the chief feature- Devastation of letters(Snaps and stories) after some time.

To socialize using Snapchat, the user needs to exist aware of the different types of status icons being used by Snapchat. In this article, y'all will learn well-nigh different types of icons and statues normally used on Snapchat.

Meaning Behind The Sent, Received And Delivered Snapchat Icons

delivered snapchat

Snapchat uses dissimilar types of icons to indicate different statuses. Amid them, the most important ones you demand to be aware of are the Sent, Received and Delivered Snapchat icons.

Different deportment in Snapchat such equally sending chat letters; receiving chat letters; sharing pics, etc. accept different icons. Through these icons, Snapchat users can understand what deportment are beingness performed or the current status. In this article, you volition get to know various icons used in Snapchat.

Here a detailed analysis has been written for the three most important icons used in Snapchat including 'Sent', 'Received' and 'Delivered' icons.

What Does Sent Icons Hateful In Snapchat?

Iii different icons are used to indicate three "Sent" operations in Snapchat. Moreover at that place is clear cut difference between 'Sent' and 'Delivered' status in Snapchat. Y'all will go to know more about this in the next section.

  • A Snap Without Audio(Photo Snap).

This state of affairs comes with a 'Red Arrow' icon. I.east if you lot sent a Snap(without audio) to your friend. And so a 'Red Arrow' icon with the 'Sent' or 'Pending' word beside it will be shown beside your Friends Contour.

  • A Snap With Sound(Video Snap).

This state of affairs comes with a 'Purple Arrow' icon. I.due east if you sent a Snap(without audio) to your friend. Then a 'Purple Arrow' icon with the 'Sent' discussion beside information technology will be shown beside your Friends Profile.

  • A Chat Message.

This situation comes with a 'Blue Arrow' icon. I.e if y'all sent a Snap(without sound) to your friend. Then a 'Blue Arrow' icon with the 'Sent' word beside it will be shown abreast your Friends Profile.

What Does Pending Status Mean?

"Pending" status is shown here. It occurs when the sent Snap or Chat is not successfully delivered to recipient's Smartphone.

The 'Awaiting' status occurs due to the post-obit cases:

  • If you send a Snap or Chat to a recipient who has blocked your Profile. Then the greyness 'Awaiting' status volition pop up beside the recipient's profile.
  • If the recipient'due south profile has been deleted. Or he or she has closed the Snapchat account.
  • If you're not added to the recipient's friends list. Then the Snaps or Conversation you take sent would be blocked. Besides, the grey 'Pending' status will be shown beside the recipient's profile.

Difference Betwixt The Sent And Delivered Snapchat Icons.

The 'Sent' status is used when yous send a Snap or Chat message to your friend and it is stored in the Snapchat server database. Simply it is not received by your friend. This may happen due to technical errors such as server mistake or network error.

To better empathize this situation, you can refer to the post-obit situation. Suppose you lot accept taken a Snap. And then you select i of your friends and tap on the "Transport" button. Upon doing this, the Snap will exist sent to your friend.

The next day you have a face-to-face with your friend and inquire about the Snap you have sent. Only your friend says "I didn't receive any Snap off yours!".

Here lies the problem. It clearly shows a Red Pointer icon with the 'Sent' word beside your friend'due south profile. Nevertheless this 'Sent' doesn't hateful that your friend will receive the Snap.

The Snap is stored with the Snapchat database and information technology is even so to be delivered to the recipient. If information technology is successfully delivered and then the 'Delivered' word will be shown beside the 'Cherry Arrow' icon.

What Does Delivered Icons Mean In Snapchat?

Three unlike icons are used to indicate three "Delivered" operations in Snapchat.

When a Snap or Chat is successfully delivered. It is shown with a colored arrow icon with the word "Delivered".
  • A Snap Without Sound(Photo Snap) Was Opened.

This state of affairs comes with a 'Hollow Ruby-red Arrow' icon. I.e if your friend opens the Snap(without sound). Then a 'Hollow Cherry-red Arrow' icon with the 'Opened' word beside it volition be shown beside your Friends Profile.

When the recipient open the Snap or Chat you have sent. It is shown with a hollow arrow icon alongside the word "opened".
  • A Snap With Audio(Video Snap) Was Opened.

This situation comes with a 'Hollow Imperial Arrow' icon. I.e if your friend opens the Snap(with audio). Then a 'Hollow Purple Arrow' icon with the 'Opened' word beside it will exist shown beside your Friends Profile.

  • A Chat Was Opened.

This state of affairs comes with a 'Hollow Blue Arrow' icon. I.due east if your friend opens the Conversation bulletin. And so a 'Hollow Blue Arrow' icon with the 'Opened' discussion abreast information technology will be shown beside your Friends Contour.

  • A Cash Gift Was Opened.

This situation comes with a 'Hollow Green Pointer' icon. I.e if your friend opens the Conversation message. Then a 'Hollow Green Pointer' icon with the 'Opened' give-and-take beside it will be shown beside your Friends Profile.

Note- If your friend replays the received Snap. Then the 'Hollow coloured arrow' icon will change to a coloured 'round arrow icon'. Then a 'reddish circular arrow' replay icon is used when someone replays the Snap without sound. And a 'purple circular arrow' replay icon is used when a Snap with audio is replayed.

Replayed just now

What Does Received Icons Mean In Snapchat?

This is similar to the first 'Sent' section written in this commodity. The deviation is that you lot are at the receiving end. Thus 'Square' icons are used in place of previously used 'Arrow' icons.

A New Snap(Photo Snap) Received status.
  • A Snap Without Sound(Photograph Snap) Was Received.

This situation comes with a 'Blood-red Square' icon. I.due east if you lot receive a Snap(without audio) from your friend. Then a 'Red Square' icon with the 'New Snap' discussion abreast it will be shown beside your Friends Profile.

  • A Snap With Audio(Video Snap) Was Received.

This situation comes with a 'Purple Square' icon. I.e if you lot receive a Snap(without audio) from your friend. Then a 'Regal Square' icon with the 'New Snap' word abreast it will be shown abreast your Friends Profile.

  • A Chat Was Received.

This situation comes with a 'Blue Square' icon. I.e if you sent a Snap(without audio) to your friend. So a 'Blueish Square' icon with the 'New Chat' word beside information technology will exist shown beside your Friends Contour.

A New Chat Received status.

What Does Opened Received Icons Hateful In Snapchat?

Now that y'all take received a new Snap or Chat from your friend. You will open your friend's contour in the Chat section. Then the following icons are used in different types of Snaps and Chat existence opened or viewed.

Opened Received status when someone sends you a Snap or Chat.
  • A New Snap Without Sound(Photo Snap) Was Opened.

This situation comes with a 'Hollow Cherry-red Square' icon. I.e if y'all view a Snap(without audio) received from your friend. And so a 'Hollow Red Square' icon will be shown beside your Friends Profile.

  • A New Snap With Sound(Video Snap) Was Opened.

This situation comes with a 'Hollow Purple Square' icon. I.e if you view a Snap(with sound) received from your friend. Then a 'Hollow Regal Square' icon will be shown beside your Friends Contour

  • A New Chat Was Opened.

This state of affairs comes with a 'Hollow Blue Foursquare' icon. I.e if you view a Chat message received from your friend. Then a 'Hollow Blue Square' icon with the 'Received' discussion beside it will be shown beside your Friends Profile.

  • Received Snap Has Expired.

If you don't open or view the received Snap within the time limit. And so a "Hollow Grayness Square" icon volition be beside your Friend's profile.


Snapchat uses dissimilar types of icons and statuses to betoken diverse operations. For e.g, if you're the sender, then coloured arrow icons (full or hollow) with the discussion 'Sent'; 'Delivered' will be shown nether your friend'southward contour.

In the case of the recipient, coloured square icons(full or hollow) will be shown with the word "New Snap"; "New Chat", etc. volition be shown nether the sender's Snapchat profile.

For new Snapchat users, it gets very confusing to distinguish between different statuses and icons. So it is mandatory to acquire more about these unlike icons and statuses. Hither is a nautical chart with some of the important icons used in twenty-four hour period-to-24-hour interval Snapchat employ.

A chart made to distinguish between Sent, Received, Opened and Delivered Snapchat icons.

Ofttimes Asked Questions(FAQs)

What Does Delivered Mean On Snapchat?

The 'Delivered' status on Snapchat indicates that the Snap(photo snap or video snap) or chat message has been successfully sent to the recipient's Smartphone. And it is yet to be opened by the receiver. Y'all can find the word 'Delivered' aslope a coloured arrow icon under the recipient's contour name. Unlike coloured arrows are used with different types of Snaps and chats. Crimson pointer for photo snaps; Purple arrow for video snaps and bluish arrow for conversation messages.

What Does Sent Hateful On Snapchat?

The 'Sent' status on Snapchat occurs when your Snap or Chat message is successfully stored on the Snapchat server. And it is however non delivered to the recipient'south smartphone. The word 'Sent' pairs with a coloured arrow icon for different types of Snaps and Chat messages. Carmine pointer for photograph snaps(Snaps without audio); Purple arrow for video snaps(Snaps with sound) and blueish arrow for chat messages.

What Does Delivered And Received Mean On Snapchat?

The 'Delivered' and 'Received' status are ii Snapchat status that corresponds to the sender and the receiver. Suppose y'all have Sent a photo snap to your friend. The Snapchat server acknowledges the Snap and the respective 'Sent' status will exist shown under your friend's contour. When the snap is successfully sent to your friend'southward smartphone. Then the condition 'Delivered' is shown nether your friend'south profile. In the aforementioned state of affairs, a coloured square with the give-and-take "New Snap" or "New Conversation" volition be shown beside your profile on the recipient'south smartphone.

What Are The Icons That Indicate Viewed Snaps?

If your Snaps are delivered to the recipient's smartphone and viewed. So a coloured arrow icon with the corresponding word 'Opened' is shown under the recipient's contour. Hither different coloured arrows are used to indicate unlike types of Snaps and Chat letters. A reddish hollow arrow icon with the 'Opened' word is used for photo snaps(Snaps without audio). Purple hollow arrow icon for video snaps(Snaps with audio). Blue hollow arrow icon for Chat message. And lastly, a green hollow arrow icon for Cash Gifts.


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