
How Does Stereo App Make Money

We're non sure about you but we're definitely spending A LOT more time on our phones than we ought to, something to do with lockdown 3.0 boredom. Although, we have a good excuse - there's a swathe of recently-launched apps that have got united states of america simply a bit more addicted to our screens and here's 1 that should definitely be on your radar.

It's called Stereo and it's the new social networking app that'south already been hailed as the side by side Large thing. It dubs itself as the mode to "discover alive podcasts" enabling users to "bring together the chat."

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In fact, information technology's even beingness dubbed the new Clubhouse (and if you've been living nether a rock and don't know what Clubhouse is, please read our guide).

What is Stereo app?

Essentially, it's a live social platform, allowing anyone who has downloaded and signed up to mind to and bring together in with alive conversations anywhere in the world. You can cull the topics you dear and in and appoint with real people, be it a celebrity, musician or politico or a stranger with a similar interest or maybe just your pals. For anyone with a large profile, it gives them a chance to get personal with fans or followers.


The app too believes it "combats loneliness" by providing a platform "for argue and education; a destination for amusement and fun; a vehicle to advance purpose and cause related candidature; a catalyst to connect instantly and appoint with your fan base; an opportunity to expand your network of friends and followers."

What tin can you do on Stereo?

Stereo users can just mind in on live conversations, seek-out topics, and bring together conversations about issues and ideas that interest them. Stereo'south search feature ways y'all can coil through topics/genres/conversations or personalities that yous enjoy the most. The app hosts thousands of live talk shows on a variety of genres including news, comedy and sports and users are costless to choose whether to exist a host, guest or simply to listen in on exclusive conversations.

I of the definite bonuses of the Stereo app is that has definitely simplified the podcasting process You can easily tape conversations without a demand for a studio or expensive mic set-up. The app puts the nearly interesting livestreams and springboards them to a larger audience then the best talkers quickly grow their fan base, Tik-Tok-fashion.

This is an entirely audio-based app and so in that location's no video and everything is live. Anyone listening in can cheer, send audio messages and queue up to be a potential next guest.

Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person, and Footwear

Why are people so obsessed with it?

Its website says the app gives people the power to accept "actual conversations with people… there's no social media app that makes it easy to have or listen to conversations in real-time".

Most of the reviews so far on the App and Google Play store are positive.

One user wrote, "This app is great for an impromptu conversation that you want to share with others. If you've ever wanted to create a podcast, but don't have whatsoever of the gear, this app is definitely for you. Information technology'south also full of groovy live conversations. When I downloaded it for the offset fourth dimension I spent 3 hours listening to the start conversation I came beyond. Having the ability to submit alive comments and questions to other podcasters is also a not bad style to 'scratch an itch' if, like me, you lot enjoy a good contend."

Another user said, "I really savor the fact that yous tin can engage with your listeners and hear their voices unlike other platforms. Stereo just feels a lot more inclusive of everyone and in a crazy globe where nosotros are all feeling so isolated this is what nosotros all need."

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One Stereo user shared a positive feel just warned users to "Sentinel out for perverts or low frequency people, there could exist some out there just don't let that destroy your feel."

Is Stereo safe?

According to the app's website, they do take user'southward condom seriously. "Stereo is a public platform, therefore nosotros requite our listeners the power to report users who they feel are discussing inappropriate or offensive topics as well as the power to block profiles that they no longer want to be in contact with. We have a team of moderators who ensure Stereo Shows are gratis from hate speech and offensive content. Nosotros too work with local authorities to ensure our platform is rubber for our users."


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